Hey there everyone!
Last week I had the great opportunity of having my
internship at a fashion magazine here in Denmark called Costume. Even though it
only lasted for three days I experienced a lot of amazing things while being
My first day started a little bit hectic because I had
some trouble finding my way to their office… (Yes my sense of direction isn’t
really the best). Anyway, I eventually found my way by calling the chief
editor. The first day was very relaxed and quiet. I got to write some Notes as
they call them (It’s captions under some pictures about a thing or an event).
It was so much fun!
My second day was a bit more exciting (I came out of
the office, yay!). When I had found my way to the office I were supposed to
call Katrine so she could open the door for me to get in. Then I found out that
she was stuck in the metro… So there I go, cold as ice with my rather large and
heavy handbag, into Føtex to buy the model, crew and photographer some
breakfast (yes, I was going to a photo-shoot!)
It was so interesting being
at the photo-shoot (I’ve never been to one) and to experience the
laid-back-casual atmosphere. Actually it’s quite funny, because I literally
didn’t really do a thing… I was just watching, learning and observed the
situation (And taking the weirdest polaroid’s with my instax camera read more)
I absolutely love
this bag! It's white on the sides and a bright yellow colour on the front and
on the back the brand is called Gant.
This cute tiger print
T-shirt dress is great for a casual day time shopping with friends or just
for a relaxed date - from A Question Of
As you can see I absolutely adore hot Cocoa (One of my
guilty pleasures) |
My last day was amazing. The minute I walked in I was
told that one of my friends were there and that I could go say hi to her! I
then did and found out that she would be sitting just on the other side of the
shelves (What does that mean… Lunch-Buddy yay!). I was also so lucky to
write my own two articles, one about Burberrys new campaign Burberry With
Love. I also wrote an article about my stay at the office of Costume.
Read more about that Here and Here (Note that the articles are in Danish).
Where were you in your internship period?